I worked on Saya Minatsuki from Black Cat off and on for about four years. Originally meant to debut at Anime Kaigi 2010 alongside my friend's cosplay of Train Heartnet from the same series, I canned it when an unexpected event prevented my friend from attending the con with me.
The kimono, already at about 80% completion, hung in my closet unfinished since then. Finally in August 2013 I got it out again, ironed and finished the hems, then forgot about it again until August 2014. Assembled at last in its entirety, this may be one of the least expensive cosplays I've ever made. The obi was a bargain deal when I ordered another kimono from eBay, the gun was a bonus with another gun I ordered, the wig was super cheap, and the kimono itself was made from a damaged yukata fabric bolt from Ichiroya (It has its own entry in my textile collection).
There's also a pretty blue Swarovski crystal necklace that goes with this cosplay, but it tends to hide under the kimono.
After all of that, it is highly unlikely that I will ever wear this as a set to any convention. I just don't like it enough and without another character it wouldn't be noticeable at all. That's okay.
Finally, before I start sharing photos, please excuse my messy kistuke (kimono-dressing). Unfortunately all of my kimono-wearing devices that make it easier to dress were all in storage in New York at the time of the photoshoot. I'm going to go out on a limb, though, and say that I'm still pretty happy with how the photos turned out.
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