03 May 2018

Goya's White Duchess Photo Gallery

Nobody ever said I wasn't a peer pressure pushover, so when Silk and Sass invited me to the First Inaugural George Washington Ball and I literally had nothing to wear, I started scouring late 18th century artwork for something that could (1) be made in about six week and (2) appropriate for a formal event such as the President's inauguration.

My choice was Francisco Goya's White Duchess of Alba, painted in 1795, which was a little late for the President's inauguration, but the robe en chemise/chemise a la reine HAD already been introduced by the 1770s. 
Goya's White Duchess of Alba, in the collection of the Dukes of Alba
My dress, true to the painting, is made of a true Swiss dot cotton, very light and airy, and the sash is cotton sateen.  The hem trimming and jewelry remain in progress.  For the ball I will utilize a more formal hairstyle, although I do plan to style one of my wigs accurately for a future photoshoot.

More photos forthcoming, as the Ball will be on 11 May!

Photo by @Plasticarmy
Photo by @Plasticarmy
Photo by Silk and Sass


1 comment:

  1. YAAAAAAAS QUEEEEEEEEEN!!! This dress looked divine on you, I particularly love the Spanish influence you gave it. Spanish style is so underrepresented in living history/costuming, so it's nice to see it being given representation. The necklace also looks good with it all, I'm feeling a coral parure set would look bangin af with this, I'll talk to Kim about that.

    Love ya!!!
